Turkish Fruits & Vegetables - Tomato


Whether you pour it on your spaghetti or make its soup... With its numerous range of uses, tomato is one of the most prominent products in the food industry, and indispensable with its support for cardiovascular health and its protective effect against cancer. With its fertile lands, Turkey is a key actor in the global tomato exports. Add magic to your table with Turkish tomatoes that store all the blessings of the Mediterranean climate.

Nutrition Facts

A big one (182 g)

C 25 mg
A 1516 IU
K 14 mcg
Potassium 431 mg
Magnesium 20 mg
Iron 0.5 mg
Fiber 22 mg

* The Tomato contains many compounds necessary for human health. The table above shows only widely known and prominent content.

...health inside!

Friend of your skin

If your face is acned and oily, massage your face and neck with tomato slices and leave this natural mask on your face for 10-15 minutes. The lycopene content found in tomatoes can cleanse skin pores and make your skin smoother.

A glass a day!

The daily consumption of tomato juice improves the digestive system and keeps the liver healthy.

...taste inside!

Tomato Au Gratin

A practical Tomato Au Gratin recipe for delicious tables. Look how it’s made...

Browse the other recipes

Click to see the delicious recipes made with Tomato or other fruits and vegetables.

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