Turkish Fruits & Vegetables - Grapefruit


Even consuming half of a small Turkish grapefruit is enough to provide 65 percent of your daily vitamin C needs. This remarkable fruit is also a good source of vitamin A and a strong antioxidant, and rich in fiber and protein. The Turkish grapefruit, known to be beneficial for skin, heart, and liver health, is among the foods preferred by those who want to lose weight.

Nutrition Facts

A medium-sized (256 g)

C 88 mg
A 2373 IU
Potassium 356 mg
Magnesium 21 mg
Fiber 28 mg

* The Grapefruit contains many compounds necessary for human health. The table above shows only widely known and prominent content.

...health inside!

Practical grapefruit mask

Cut a medium grapefruit into round slices and freeze in the freezer. Massage your face and neck for eight to ten minutes with the frozen slices you get. After ten minutes, moisturize your skin with a suitable cream.

...taste inside!

Salad with Grapefruit

A practical Salad with Grapefruit recipe for delicious tables. Look how it’s made...

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