Turkish Fruits & Vegetables - Tomato Au Gratin

Tomato Au Gratin

Four servings. Cooking time: 15 minutes.


  • 10 cherry tomatoes
  • 80 g of margarine (You may use butter instead of margarine. However, margarine gives it a fuller consistency while butter gives it a fragile consistency.)
  • 125 ml of milk
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ water glass of flour
  • Salt, black pepper
  • 60 g of grated fresh parmesan cheese
  • 1 bunch of basil
  • Garnishing: 1 twig of basil, 1 cherry tomato, 3 black olives


1. Melt the margarine in the pan.

2. Whisk the eggs in your mixing bowl. Add the melted butter, milk, salt and black pepper and mix.

3. Add 40 g of parmesan cheese, screened flour and finely chopped basil.

4. Put the mixture in your oiled ovenware.

5. Place the cherry tomatoes you cut in half.

6. Bake for 15 minutes in a heated oven at 210 degrees.

7. Sprinkle the remaining parmesan on it when it is removed from the oven.

8. When serving, cut as desired and garnish your plate with tomatoes, fresh basil and black olives.

Bon appetite!

The secret of the world-famous Turkish cuisine comes from natural vegetables and fruits that feed on the Mediterranean sun. Use Turkish fresh fruits and vegetables to add magic to your table.

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