Turkish Fruits & Vegetables - Apple


Crunchy and juicy... These two words that make their mark on market labels easily describe the superior quality of the Turkish apple. Apple is known to support heart health and the digestive system. Its ingredients are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is a delicious alternative to snacks on its own and the appeal of the apple is evident in many desserts and salads.

With a wide production area and arable climate conditions, Turkey is among the top three countries in apple production.

Nutrition Facts

A medium-sized (182 g)

C 8.4 mg
B6 0.07 mg
K 4 mcg
Potassium 195 mg
Manganese 0.06 mg
Fiber 4.4 g

* The Apple contains many compounds necessary for human health. The table above shows only widely known and prominent content.

...health inside!

Apples for snacks!

Apple can be one of the best options for those who want to lose weight and cannot give up snacks. Thanks to its dense fibre structure, it keeps you full and helps you get rid of unwanted weight.

Get rid of oedema!

Chop one red apple into cubes and boil it in 1.5 litres of water with a cinnamon stick. After the water starts to boil, just keep your pot on low heat for 10 minutes. You can consume this oedema-removing detox cure warm or cold throughout the day.

...taste inside!

Apple Celery Appetizer

A practical Apple Celery Appetizer recipe for delicious tables. Look how it’s made...

Browse the other recipes

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