Turkish Fruits & Vegetables - Pepper


Both very healthy and very useful... Pepper, one of the basic instruments of culinary culture, is of great importance with the support it gives to human health as well as the flavour it adds to the dishes. This miraculous food, which is a complete vitamin C storehouse, is also a powerful antioxidant. Extremely rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre, Turkish pepper can be grown throughout the year thanks to the country's generous soils and favourable climatic conditions. Those who have tasted it know that Turkish pepper is delicious stuffed and pickled...

Nutrition Facts

100 g

C 80.4 mg
B6 0.224 mg
Manganese 0.122 mg
Potassium 175.00 mg
Iron 0.34 mg
Fiber 1.7 gr

* The Pepper contains many compounds necessary for human health. The table above shows only widely known and prominent content.

...health inside!

Weight control with chilli flakes

Mix the juice of half a lemon, three tablespoons of half-fat yoghurt and a teaspoon of chilli flakes. For two weeks, consume this cure 30 minutes before going to bed at night. You will see the excess weight disappear.

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