Turkish Fruits & Vegetables - Персик


As a major grower of peaches and nectarines, Turkey is also one of the world's leading exporters of peaches. With its unique flavour, the Turkish peach is not only an attractive delicacy for fruit lovers, but also proves to be a source of quality nutrition for health with its rich content of vitamins and minerals. This wonderful fruit, which is widely preferred in jam and dessert making, sauces and salads, is also known to help weight control thanks to its high fibre and water content.

Пищевая ценность

Один грейпфрут среднего размера (150 г)

C 6.3
A 36
Potassium 180 mg
Selenium 3.1 mgc
Magnesium 12 mg
Клетчатка 2.3 gr

* В Персик содержится много соединений, необходимых для здоровья человека. В приведенной выше таблице показаны только основные, наиболее известные витамины и минералы.

...он очень полезен!

More beneficial with its peel!

Peach peels contain high levels of fibre and antioxidants. Therefore, keep in mind that consuming this delicious fruit with its peels will be more beneficial for health.

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